Our heritage

Our heritage

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ellen Scobie

The smallest unit of life is a cell, the building block of all living things. Each cell contains the cell genome, or DNA, which stores information. In reproduction, DNA is replicated and passed on to off spring so linking generations.
My digital paintings are the off spring of my photography. I capture the landscape digitally, recording images in pixels. Each pixel is a capsule of information analogous to a cell containing DNA. I use these cells of information to create something new, digitally recombining pixels from a myriad of images. I am fascinated by the ability to mutate and transfigure digital data in endless ways in the service of image-making.
Intended to be experienced on an emotive level, these interior landscapes may evoke past remembrances or an undefined sense of the familiar or a new, yet somehow appealing,expression. I work hard at developing a visually rich surface, using image fragments plucked from time’s continuum, reinvented to suggest the possibilities of a new narrative.

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